Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I am an emotional creature

I love being a girl.
I can feel what you're feeling
as you're feeling it inside
the feeling
I am an emotional creature.
Things do not come to me
as intellectual theories or hard-shaped ideas.
They pulse through my organs and legs
and burn up my ears....

I am an emotional creature.
I am connected to everything and everyone.
I was born like that.
Don't you dare say all negative that it's a
teenage thing
or it's because I'm a girl.
These feelings make me better
They make me ready.
They make me present.
They make me strong. ...

This is not extreme.
It's a girl thing.
What we would all be
if the big door inside us flew open.
Don't tell me not to cry
To calm it down
Not to be so extreme
To be reasonable.
I am an emotional creature.
It's how the earth got made.
How the wind continues to pollinate.
You don't tell the Atlantic Ocean
to behave....

I am emotional.
I am an emotional, devotional,
incandotional creature.
And I love, hear me,
love love love
being a girl.
--excerpted from "I Am An Emotional Creature", Eve Ensler


  1. You are a brave girl, Amy. A talented writer, artist, and best of all, an amazing friend.
    You deserve great things~ they will come your way.
    "Mistakes are the dues one pays for living a full life"
    Sofia Loren

  2. this is beautiful. you dear amy are an amazing women!
